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Do Something!

Updated: Dec 31, 2024

June 19, 2016 is a day that will forever be etched in the minds of Cleveland Cavaliers fans. Who would have thought that after 52 years, Cleveland, Ohio would finally have a chance to relish the truth that they house the 2016 NBA Champions!

I can’t help but to reflect on the last few minutes of the game. In the back of my mind, I must admit that I thought this would be another disappointment. Another Cleveland team would once again bring us this far to let us down. But after seeing “The Shot” made by Kyrie Irving, there was a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, we could pull this off. As the game continued, I saw LeBron’s attempt at a basket and the foul, only to collapse after injuring his hand. He makes one of the two free throws at the line and I see him walking back across the court repeating the words “one time.” The Cavaliers were up 93 to 89 with 10.6 seconds left in the 4th quarter. With the Golden State Warriors’ possession of the ball, they failed their last two attempts at scoring and as the clock runs down, not only do the Cleveland Cavaliers win the game and become NBA Champions, but they make history!

How did the Cavaliers get this far? Did it take going thru numerous coaches to find a savior in Coach Tyronn Lue? Did the Cavaliers have more focus and drive this year than in years past? Did it take LeBron to take his talents to South Beach only to return to try and fulfill a risky promise? Did the Golden State Warriors really play that bad? The answers to these questions are not the focus here. It’s the adjusting, the sacrificing, the focusing and the learning from past mistakes and failures to end the drought.

What is a drought? One definition says that it is “a prolonged absence of something specified”. Something is missing. Why can’t we win the game? Why can’t we make the basket? Why can’t we make the touchdown? Why can’t we learn from all the previous years of losing?

Something is missing. Why can’t I be happy? What is bringing me down? What am I allowing to steal my joy? Who is in my life that shouldn’t be there? Who pretends to be my friend but they’re really not my friend? Why am I constantly worrying and frustrating myself day in and day out? Why am I trying to please people who don’t care anything about me? I can’t fulfill whatever it is that I am supposed to do, if my life is filled with endless stuff. Stuff that doesn't make sense. Stuff that causes me heartache and pain. Stuff that is killing me softly on the inside. Stuff that is causing me to stay in a drought. For some of us, it may be a 52-year drought.

What do you determine as being a drought in your life? Is it your career, your age, marriage, children, finances, self esteem, or just life in general? Are you living the life that Jesus Christ died for you to have? If you are not waking up with a peaceful spirit and a healthy mind, then something is wrong. Within the last few months, I have witnessed and talked to different women going through some particular drought. I want to encourage you and to share with you that there may be some adjusting, sacrificing, focusing and learning on your end, to stop the drought. You may have to change the way you do things. You may have to change the way you approach things. You may have to do more listening and less talking. You may have do more praying and less complaining. Like LeBron, you may have to walk away from some things and walk back to them later. In making “His Decision”, LeBron felt he was doing what he had to do to succeed. In the midst of the adversity that he received after making his decision, it didn’t stop him from focusing on his goal. Burned jerseys, boos from the crowd and the negative publicity didn’t stop him.

Sometimes as women, we let one little comment, one little smart remark, someone not calling us back, someone ignoring us, someone saying something to us the wrong way, someone not communicating correctly, that one child that won’t listen, cause and create the droughts in our lives and we let it stop us. We let these things knock us off our game. We give in to the worry and frustration. We should be living out our purposes, we should be fulfilling our dreams. We should be happy. Yet, that person, place or thing has consumed us…..and is now controlling us.

The Cavaliers found a way to end the 52-year drought. They fought. They cried. They focused. They were determined. They even lost games. They saw the end result and they worked towards it. Now they’re living a dream and it is time for you to live yours.

As women, begin to take steps to end your drought. Move. Stay. Change. Get focused. Cry. Let go. Quit. Be determined. Stop. Start. Research. Examine. Learn. Strive. Push. Sacrifice. Take a risk. Play it safe. Pray. Do something. Do whatever you have to do to end the drought; whatever it takes. This world needs healthy, strong women to make a difference. We were created for a reason and it is time for us to start living what we were created for! The drought is over!

“Don’t worry about anything. Instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7).

Forever hoping for you,


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